1893. EMBLEMS of morality, 1789 London, in 8, fig. Le tavole sono di Hollar; copiate dal Trionfo della Morte d’Holbein. In questo moderno cattivo esemplare sono riportate dicontro alle stampe dell’edizione di Londra le altre preziose stampe originali del Hollart, che lo rendono prezioso.

DCL number
Emblems of mortality : representing, in upwards of fifty cuts, Death seizing all ranks and degrees of people : imitated from a painting in the cemetery of the Dominican church at Basil, in Switzerland : with an apostrophe to each, translated from the Latin and French, intended as well for the information of the curious, as the instruction and entertainment of youth : to which is prefixed a copious preface, containing an historical account of the above, and other paintings on this subject, now or lately existing in divers parts of Europe.
Getty Research Institute
  • Bewick, John, 1760-1795, engraver.
  • Lützelburger, Hans, 1495?-1526, engraver.
  • Hawkins, John Sidney, 1758-1842, editor, translator.
  • Aemilius, Georg, 1517-1569, translator.
  • Corrozet, Gilles, 1510-1568, associated name.
  • Vauzelles, Jean de, associated name.
  • Holbein, Hans, 1497-1543. Totentanz.