2011. CHAMBERLAINE John, Imitations of original drawings by Hans Holbein in the collection of his majesty for the portraits of illustriours persons of the court of Henry VIII, London 1812, in 4, gr. Sono qui rappresentati 61 ritratti non inferiormente a quelli che in più gran forma aveva poco prima pubblicati Bartolozzi e imitasi col colore il carattere dei disegni originali mirabilmente. Opera assai ricca e bella: con superior eleganza legata in mar. ter.

DCL number
Imitations of original drawings by Hans Holbein in the collection of His Majesty, for the portraits of illustrious persons of the court of Henry VIII [microform] : with biographical tracts / published by John Chamberlayne ...
Princeton University Library
  • George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830.
  • Fondo Cicognara (Biblioteca apostolica vaticana)