4622. SNAP Andrea, L’anatomia del cavallo con un’esatta descrizione della struttura, e relazione delle sue parti, rappresentata in 49 tavole, Londra 1683, in fol., in lingua inglese. Le incisioni sono trattate con gran solerzia di bulino da N. Yeats, ma l’opera versa interamente sull’anatomia, e in nulla sui movimenti dell’animale: magnifico esemplare in vitel. dorato.

DCL number
The anatomy of an horse [microform] : containing an exact and full description of the frame, situation and connexion of all his parts, (with their actions and uses) exprest in forty-nine copper-plates) : to which is added an appendix, containing two discourses, the one, of the generation of animals, and the other, of the motion of the chyle, and the circulation of the bloud / by Andrew Snape ...
Princeton University Library
  • Fondo Cicognara (Biblioteca apostolica vaticana)
  • Leopoldo Cicognara Program (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)