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Cicognara Digital Library Presentation- Saturday, July 23rd, 2022 at the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin
15 July 2022
IFLA ART LIBRARIES SECTION Satellite Conference 22/23 July, 2022 DUBLIN
Challenges of Art Librarianship: 2020 AND BEYOND
23 July 15:30 Digital collection networks in art history and cultural heritage
The Digital Cicognara Library: an international open access collaboration of the early literature of the arts
Holly Hatheway, Marquand Library of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University
Monday, February 1st: Online Presentation~ The Digital Cicognara Library: An International Open Access Collaboration of the Early Literature of the Arts (Holly Hatheway, Princeton University)
31 January 2021
The New Shape of Sharing: Networks, expertise, information An online forum on European
librarianship. January 11 - April 19, 2021
Monday, February 1: National and Historical Libraries (Chair, Michael Printy, Yale University)
- Working with Romance Collections in a National Library: Exploring New Strategies (Valentina Mirabella, Sophie Defrance, British Library)
- The Digital Cicognara Library: An International Open Access Collaboration of the Early Literature of the Arts (Holly Hatheway, Princeton University)
REGISTRATION REQUIRED Click for more information on the entire spring program.
New Article on Digital Cicognara Library Project published in "Art Libraries Journal" Vol. 45 Issue 2 - April 2020
15 April 2020
Art Libraries Journal Volume 45 - Issue 2 - April 2020 ‘Digital libraries and collections’
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 April 2020.
The Digital Cicognara Library: transforming a 19th century resource for the digital age
Holly Hatheway, Roger Lawson, Charlotte Oertel
CAA: Historic Libraries and the Historiography of Art (II) February 14th in Chicago.
13 February 2020
Holly Hatheway, the current Project Manager of the Digital Cicognara Library and Head of Marquand Library at Princeton, will serve as a discussant for the session Historic Libraries and the Historiography of Art (II) Fri, February 14, 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM, Hilton Chicago, 8th Floor, Lake Huron
Cicognara at ARLIS/UK & Ireland Conference July 15-18, 2019
02 July 2019
ARLIS/UK & Ireland 50th Anniversary Conference
University of Glasgow
15-17 July 2019
Holly Hatheway, the current Project Manager and Head of Marquand Library at Princeton, will give a talk on the Digital Cicognara Library Project at 3:50/15:50 in Room LT201. We look forward to meeting potential new partners in the UK.
Cicognara at College Art, February 13, 2019
13 February 2019
The 2019 annual conference of the College Art Association will feature a paper contextualizing research on the Cicognara Library:
Historic Libraries and the Historiography of Art
Moderator: Jeanne-Marie Musto, Queens College, City University of New York
Wednesday 13 February 2019, 8:30 am
New York Hilton Midtown
Room: Sutton South
- Susan M. Dixon, La Salle University, “Rodolfo Lanciani’s Revenge”
- Dominique Polanco, University of Arizona, “Colonial, Imperial, and National Collecting: Mexican Manuscripts and Their Historical Positions in the Biblioteca Nacional de España”
- Jennifer Purtle, University of Toronto, “Borrowing from Books: The Xu Family Library and the Use of Art History against Empire”
- Barbara Steindl, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, “The Library of Leopoldo Cicognara: From Bibliophilic Collection to Scholarly Instrument”
ARLIS UK & IRELAND 2018: Museum libraries and library history
05 July 2018
On Friday July 27th 2018 Jonathan Franklin (The National Gallery, London) is giving a talk on “Museum libraries and library history: joining the research conversation at the National Gallery”. He will present the “founding library” of the National Gallery in London acquired in 1870 from the widow of its first Director, Sir Charles Eastlake (1793-1865), and touch amongst others on the library of Sir Eastlake’s contemporary, Count Leopoldo Cicognara (1767-1834).
Call for Papers: Historic Libraries and the Early Historiography of Art
02 July 2018
Seeking papers for a session on “Historic Libraries & the Early Historiography of Art” at the CAA Annual Conference 2019 in New York, February 13 - 16, 2019. For more information see Call for Papers. Deadline for papers: August 6 2018
Cicognara at IIIF
25 May 2018
Roger Lawson (National Gallery of Art) and Esmé Cowles (Princeton University Library) presented on various aspects of the project at the 2018 IIIF Conference in Washington, DC. Roger presented an overview of the project as part of the session Uses of IIIF at the National Gallery of Art, and Esmé discussed how the Digital Cicognara Library fits into Princeton’s overall IIIF ecosystem in the session IIIF Integration Between (and Within) Applications (slides).
Comparison of the Eastlake Library and the Cicognara Library
20 April 2018
Please note the advertisement for the PhD Studentship: “Art history scholarship between the 1820s and the 1870s: the role of the Eastlake Library at the National Gallery” with the National Gallery, London, and Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen.
Cicognara at ARLIS/NA
27 February 2018
Alexandra Büttner and Roger Lawson (National Gallery of Art) will host a project update and open partners meeting at ARLIS/NA’s 46th Annual Conference in New York.
Cicognara Symposium in Rome, 5 October 2017
21 September 2017
The Digital Cicognara Library: An Open-Access Collection of the Early Literature of Art
Please join the partners and a panel of Cicognara scholars to discuss the project’s current status and its aspirations as a tool for discovery and research. 15:00-18:30 with reception following, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF ROME, AURIANA AUDITORIUM, Via Pietro Roselli 16, 00153 Roma RM.
- Timothy Janz, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
- Adriano Aymonino, University of Buckingham
- Francesco Benelli, Università di Bologna
- Jeanne-Marie Musto, City University of New York
- Silvia Vantaggiato, Università del Salento
- Esmé Cowles, Princeton University
- Sandra Ludig Brooke, Princeton University
Cicognara at ARLIS/NA
08 February 2017
Sandra Brooke (Princeton) and Roger Lawson (National Gallery of Art) will host a project update and open partners meeting at ARLIS/NA’s 45th Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisana.
Cicognara at IFLA
16 August 2016
Worth a Thousand Words: A Global Perspective on Image Description, Discovery, and Access, a full day symposium at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Columbus, Ohio, August 15, 2016, was the setting for a Cicognara talk by Kathleen Salomon (Assistant Director, Getty Research Institute) and Sandra Brooke (Marquand Librarian, Princeton). “These Silent Witnesses of My Affections: A Collaborative Recreation of Count Leopoldo Cicognara’s Library” described the projects scope and aims and set it within the context of the Future of Art Bibliography and Getty Portal initiatives.